
Anexpansionpack,RisingStorm,wasreleasedinMay2013,featuringtheadditionofthePacificTheater,addingtheUnitedStatesandtheEmpireofJapanas ...,RedOrchestra2focusesontheBattleofStalingradandthesurroundingoperations,bothGermanandRussian,fromJuly1942toFebruary1943.Thegame ...,RisingStormisastand-aloneexpansionpacktoRedOrchestra2:HeroesofStalingraddevelopedbyTripwireInteractiveinconjunctionwiththemodding...

Red Orchestra 2

An expansion pack, Rising Storm, was released in May 2013, featuring the addition of the Pacific Theater, adding the United States and the Empire of Japan as ...

Red Orchestra 2

Red Orchestra 2 focuses on the Battle of Stalingrad and the surrounding operations, both German and Russian, from July 1942 to February 1943. The game ...

Rising Storm (video game)

Rising Storm is a stand-alone expansion pack to Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad developed by Tripwire Interactive in conjunction with the modding ...

Rising StormRed Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Contains full Rising Storm content as well! Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer Steam charts, data, update history.

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